Macy’s Parade ‘Rick-Rolled’

Cartoon Network = win.

I had the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade on this morning just for noise and I hear them talk about  the Cartoon Network’s float.  Something about a show about where all the imaginary friends go when they aren’t needed anymore.  The muppets start singing some song and I stop paying attention until the music scratches and all of a sudden Rick Astley starts singing! I couldn’t find a better video, this one just picks up where he starts singing – they don’t show the muppets singing their original song.

Yes, Cartoon Network just Rick Roll’d the country.   The rest of you can stop doing it now…. it’s done, you can’t top that, don’t try.


No one has built a better mouse trap.
I have a mouse running around my house.  I picked up the “Tomcat” traps at Kroger because it was all they had.  They tried to get fancy with the big yellow cheese-looking trigger… then tell you to bait it with peanut butter.  The mouse has cleaned the thing off 3 or 4 times now without it triggering.  Back to the old reliable ones (if I can find them anywhere!)

That’s not the topic of this post though.

Spammers really are relentless.  And stupid.  I have a dormant domain name registered (I think it cost me $1) just to play around with some stuff.  I put the PHPBB forum software on there when I first set everything up.  I got busy with other stuff and really never did anything with it.  I looked this morning and had a couple thousand posts, all from spammers.  All of them.  If you put a couple hundred telemarketers in a room together, you think they’d try to sell each other stuff?  I’m assuming they scripted a registration ‘bot’ somehow… but I thought that software had a CAPTCHA in the registration, but maybe not.

That’s not really the point of this post either.

Cold.  My house is cold, and has been since Saturday.  It was almost really hot on Saturday.
I was getting ready to head out Saturday evening and decided to kick the furnace one while I got ready and ate dinner.  About 2 minutes after I turned it on, all my smoke detectors went off.  I ran to the kitchen thinking it was just my dinner burning, but on the way there saw smoke coming out of a register and smelled burning plastic.  It only took a second to make the connection and run for the breakers to kill the furnace.
I went to check the furnace to make sure nothing was still smoldering.  The outside of the unit had some discolored paint, and that actually made the access panel difficult to get off.  In the meantime, I called the company that had just been out a week before to do the fall check-up.
One of their techs came and looked around inside the furnace.  At this point, I had already gotten the access panel off and could see the damage – burnt wires, melted plastic, melted aluminum, and just general destruction.  He apologized a couple of times, but stopped short of admitting it was their fault.  He said they’d have to order a couple of parts, but they would replace them all at no charge to me.

Sunday gave me some time to stew over the whole thing.  Replace a couple of parts?!  I’ve got burning plastic smell in my house and duct work and I don’t think a couple of parts are going to save this thing.  Even if they do, what else got damaged that is going to fail in 4 months?

Monday comes and they finally call in the afternoon to say they had to order some parts, they should be in Tuesday or Wednesday.  WTF?  I know UPS does overnight delivery.  I also asked about just replacing the whole thing so it doesn’t turn into a “well that didn’t fix it, we’ll order more parts.  Be another day or two.  Well that didn’t fix it, need a few more parts, be another day or two.”  I also wanted to know if they could clean my ducts out.  I called another HVAC company to come give me a quote, called my homeowners insurance to see what my policy might cover, and posted some pictures and questions on a HVAC forum.  Pretty much every response on the HVAC forum was along the lines of “No one in their right mind would put that thing back in service.”  A number of people were baffled that the company arguably responsible for starting it (and almost burning my entire house down) just wanted to replace parts… and might be a few days.  The sales guy from the ‘new’ company was out later that day… obviously he said it should be replaced.

The adjuster for my homeowners showed up Tuesday and looked at.  I have to say I’m very pleased with Farmer’s Insurance.  Fast, friendly, helpful… everything you’d hope for in your insurance company.  He even asked if I thought the company that serviced it was responsible.  I said it sure seems like a big coincidence if not.  The first time I use it since they came to service it, and it burns up after 2 minutes of use.  I’ll let him fight that fight if he wants.  But man was he nice… asked if I needed them to rent me some space heaters even!  After he left, I called The Stupid Company and got a “We haven’t seen the parts yet”  I asked about replacing the whole thing, and what they found out about cleaning the ducts out.  Would you believe I got “Well you talked to so-and-so… she’s out today… I can have her call you tomorrow” ….. WTF?!?  A few minutes later someone else from there called – I’m not sure if it was the owner or just someone in-charge.  He thinks it can be fixed, the smell will go away when they clean the stuff out of the furnace, ducts probably don’t need cleaned… they’ll fire it up and figure it out then.  Seriously.  There’s melted plastic flung all over the inside of the unit, so every time I run my furnace my house will smell like that.  He doesn’t think so, that compartment doesn’t get hot.  Umm… hello?  It’s a furnace, the entire thing at least gets warm when it’s being used.  No thank you.  He finally offers to turn it into their insurance “… but they probably won’t replace the whole thing, might take awhile, and we’ll have to put a stop on the parts until that all gets sorted out”  “Go ahead and do that”  At this point I’ve already decided that I’m replacing the whole thing – we’ll figure out later if I pay for it, they do, or my insurance covers it.  And I’m sure as hell not letting them back in my house after screwing the thing up in the first place and the complete lack of concern or anything resembling customer service on their part.  I give you people $300 a year for the last number of years to make sure something like this doesn’t happen, then you probably cause it?!  Any decent company should be falling over themselves trying to make everything right!  That conversation pretty much sealed it.  I actually know a couple of other people who use them – they won’t after this if I can help it.  I’ll get the cost of a new furnace out of them, even if I have to do it by costing them sales.

Wednesday evening someone from The Stupid Company’s insurance calls.  By now, I’ve already schedule one of the guys I talked to on Monday to install the new furnace.  His price was decent and a number of people I talked to, including a professional home inspector, had nothing but good things to say about them and Trane.  Insurance guy wants to send someone out to look at it.
“You have until Friday morning… it’s being replaced then”
“Oh.  So you’re having it replaced?”
“Yes… numerous HVAC professionals I’ve talked to and a home inspector I trust all said it needs replaced and duct work needs cleaned”
“I assuming you’re not having the same company replace it?”
“You assume correctly.”
“Ummm… ok… yeah… I’ll let you know tomorrow how we want to proceed.”
Guess their insurance sucks too – they don’t have ‘replacement’ insurance, so they only pay off what the damaged stuff was actually worth, prorated by age.  Furnace was only 6 years old, but that’s probably 1/2 maybe 1/3 of its expected life.  At this point I’m just being shitty… I really just wanted them to have to make a claim.  I think my insurance is going to take care of most of it for me, and maybe go after theirs to get some of their money back.  Still… 6 cold nights, stress, missed time from work… just a crappy situation and The Stupid Company doesn’t seem to care.  Hell, on Monday Logan’s said “You want it installed tomorrow?”  So I could have a whole new furnace installed in less time than it takes Stupid Company to get a few parts?!


Ohio Issue 5 – Payday Loans

I don’t usually get into political crap, but this issue just really annoys me.  It’s a little confusing and misleading… I can’t see how it could possibly be voted down.


The Ohio Payday Loan Referendum is a veto referendum proposed in order to stop House Bill 545 that would cap the Ohio payday loan industry’s interest rate at 28%. The previous cap was 391% ($15 per $100 on a two-week loan).

HB 545 was approved by state lawmakers and the governor in late spring. Opponents of the new restrictions (mostly the payday lending industry) quickly sprang into action to try to overturn it using Ohio’s veto referendum process.

Opponents of HB 545 are asking for only a partial repeal of House Bill 545; the portion that eliminates the current payday interest rates.

Payday lenders have until September 1 to collect the needed 241,365 valid signatures to qualify for the November 4, 2008 ballot in Ohio.

The payday loan industry is dumping millions of dollars into a campaign against this issue.  Well of course they are, if isssue 5 passes, they’ll lose millions.  They’re using every angle:  Financial freedom, privacy, keep jobs in Ohio, big brother government.  Their tactics are about as sleazy as their industry.  Paying homeless people to get signatures, deceased people’s signatures showing up, misleading statements to people signing the petition.  If you’ve seen any of their commercials on TV, they’re disgusting.  So here’s the arguments they give on their website:

1 – To Protect Over 6,000 Jobs in Ohio.
Really?!  What jobs?!  The only jobs I can see threatened are employees of payday loan shops.  The only way those people lose their jobs is if the payday loan shops get rid of them.  This issue isn’t forcing them to close their stores, it’s forcing them to stop raping people who use their service.

2 – To Preserve Financial Options for All Ohioians.
Again, Issue 5 is not banning payday loans.

3 – To Keep Ohioans’ Private Information Out of Intrusive Government Database.
Ok, this sounds really scary and their ads play on this – “Big brother is watching you and keeping track of your information!”  The big scary government database is this:  part of the bill only allows people to use payday loans 4 times a year… the database is used to keep track of that.  Have you bought any medication containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine lately?  They scan your ID and make you sign a log because they’re limiting how much you can buy in a 30 day period.  No one against that measure brought up all these ‘privacy’ issues.  They’re keeping track of how many times you’ve used the service… that’s it.

4 – Because  Short-Term Payday Loans are Cheaper than Alternatives like Bank Overdraft Fees.
It may be cheaper than overdraft fees, but I don’t know about ‘other alternatives’.  For a two week loan, the payday places charge $15 for every $100 borrowed.  This translates into something like a 391% APR.  Yes, three-hundred and ninety-one percent.  As an aside, one of the other things the bill is doing is extended the payback period to 30 days instead of two weeks.  Here’s my main problem with these places – if I’m $100 behind on my bills this week and use a payday loan… aren’t I going to be $115 behind next time?!  $130 the time after that… $145 the time after that.  So cheaper than overdraft fees…well sure.  But bouncing a check should be an accident, not a short-term loan.  Do people intentionally write a bad check!?  I hope not, because it doesn’t actually pay your bill and it results in fees.  So I don’t think you can even compare the two.

5 – Issue 5 is Supported by Out-of-State Special Interest Groups
Ha!  It’s also opposed by ‘out-of-state special interest groups’  People in glass houses…

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Ohio has become the epicenter of a national debate on payday lending restrictions.

The payday loan industry is trying to get issues on the November ballot in Ohio and Arizona that would overturn restrictions on the interest rates it can charge.

Uriah King, a policy associate at the industry-critic Center for Responsible Lending, says Ohio’s size and status as a battleground state make it the center of attention for those watching the payday industry.

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have passed laws restricting the industry, while four other states are watching Ohio to see what happens.

The industry is spending millions of dollars to gather signatures and run television ads to keep restrictions from taking effect.

So yeah, people on both sides from all over the country are active in this one.  What cracks me up is that there’s really no opposing industry – no one fighting these payday loan predators has a financial reason for doing so. It’s mainly non-profit organizations like Center for Responsible Lending and the Vote Yes on Issue 5 Committee
Guess you know how I’m voting on this issue.  Anyone have a compelling argument for the other side?

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime is how I got that generator sent overnight and didn’t pay $216 to do :D  Everything on their site is free 2 day shipping, no minimum, and you can upgrade anything to overnight shipping for $3.99 — pretty sweet deal.  Click the link at the start of this post to get a free 30 day trial (you can set it to NOT subscribe you to it at the end of the 30 days)

84 Hours

… and I have power again!  It came on sometime in the last couple hours.  Dad checked in on the house this evening sometime and it still wasn’t on.  I got home from the Reds game an hour or so ago and we’re good!  Dishwasher is running, laundry is going, and I’m about to start roasting coffee.  :D  Boy that was not fun.  I actually ended up ordering a generator today from  The paper said it could be another week for a lot of places, figured I could be one of those places.  Brilliant move though – there’s none to be had for 100 miles around here, but I got a 4000 watt one shipped in for under $400… 1 day shipping!  Not sure if I should hang onto it or sell it though.  It could come in handy at some time I’m sure.  I doubt I’ll have another stint like this one any time soon… but you never know.

K… off to turn on more stuff 😀

Oh, and I will be disappointed if I ever go to a Reds game and sit in the ‘normal’ seats ever again.  The “Club” seats are frickin awesome.

S out.

24 Hours Without Power

And counting.  Actually about 27 now.  Sucks.  Have a fridge full of food if anyone wants it.

You don’t realize how much you depend on electricity until you don’t have it for an extended amount of time.  I swear, when it comes back on I’m turning on every TV in the house, my computers, Playstation…. might even microwave some water for the helluvit.  Coffee mug with a light bulb in it.

I freaked my neighbor out today – my garage door opener has a battery backup in it.  I left for work and he said “You have power?!?”  Heh.   I don’t have it too bad – taking turns charging stuff with the inverter I have.  Thought about firing up the grill earlier but the chicken I had left in the fridge smelled suspect.  Made it to work about an hour late today – weaving past down trees was fun.  Here’s a flash people – if the stop lights are dark, treat it as a four way stop.  Seriously.  And you don’t get to try to sneak through with the car in front of you.  Work was good though – I was one of the few people who made it in (me?!  a model employee?!  whodathunkit) had a few fires to put out, but my building downtown never lost power over the weekend.  I know I’ve bragged a little about the company I work for, but how cool:  the president sent an email about 11 saying they were closing the office at noon and wouldn’t open until noon tomorrow.  Honestly concerned about people trying to clean up after the storm, take care of kids unexpectedly at home, and worried about the commute people were facing during rush hour with trees down and traffic lights.  Awesome.

Didn’t really take any pictures… just go to your favorite news site and see what the mere remnants of Ike did to the midwest.  You poor Texans.

Have to love a Treo 750, AT&T data plan, and a bluetooth capable laptop.  I’ll probably spend this evening about like the last – back porch, tiki torches, glock, laptop, beer, and treo.  You can take the power out of the house, but you can’t take the geek out of it.

Stay safe out there.

Thursday Rant

Why do people talk on speakerphone by themselves?  Maybe I’m just cranky today – but when you’re in a confined area with a couple other people, try to pay attention to how loud you’re talking on the phone and you really don’t need to use the speakerphone and talk louder.  They’re usually pretty sensitive, you don’t need to talk really loud into the phone.  Try a headset.  And use headphones when you’re listening to music/videos.

Double doors.  Seriously – if you’re going to unlock one, unlock both.  I don’t know if I’m just backwards from the rest of the world, but 90% of the time I will try to walk through the one you were too lazy to unlock.  One of these days I’m going to end up with an arm through the glass and sue someone’s ass.  Maybe even make it some kind of law.  Am I alone here?  I’ve started unlocking the other door if I can get to it.

Stop using your cell phone in a public restroom.  I cannot stress this enough: stop.

If you are a merchant taking my credit card as a method of payment, do not have the reciept print out my entire card number.  I can and will scratch it off.  It’s already in your little machine, I do not need you throwing that paper in the trash for someone to find.

If you are jaywalking and a car honks at you because they’re about to hit you – do not give them the bird.  You are in the wrong, they have every right to lay on the horn.  Conversely – if you are driving and turning to go through a crosswalk and almost run-over a pedestrian that has the right-of-way, accept the angry look/gesture/pocket full of change thrown at your car.

Going down to Hollywood…

… they’re gonna make a movie from the things they find crawlin ’round my brain.

A few weeks ago I was thanked for being normal. I went to get my haircut after work at the walk-in place that had the shortest line. Actually, this place had no line. Did the normal chit-chat stuff you do when someone’s cutting your hair and at one point she said “I just want to thank you for being normal” I guess the weather, moon cycle, or that it was around the first of the month brought out all the crazies that day and she had enough. People complaining about having to wait, the ‘call ahead’ list controversy, and the “you messed up my hair I’m not paying for this!” tirades took her to a point where she was ready to lock the door and go home. My favorite tidbit was the lady who wanted a perm, she tried to talk her out of it, lady insisted so she did it. Ended up looking like a poodle, stormed off, was going to call corporate, etc etc. Crazy poodle lady’s daughter asked if they were hiring….
“How old are you?”
“Do you have your license?”
“No but my sister has her permit!”
“No, I mean you license to do hair”

She spent probably more time on my hair than she needed to.  Was ok though, I was the only one left in the place.  My favorite part of the whole experience was when I was leaving… I’m not even sure how it came up, but she mentioned she spoke Klingon and said something to me in it.  It may have been an insult or she may have told me how good I looked.  I’d like to think she just said “Thanks for being normal” again… in Klingon.

My ADD is about to kick in, so hang on…
Speaking of licenses – I know a guy that got a DUI and lost his. Yes, drinking and driving is bad, I’m pretty sure we agree on that. However, this particular guy ended up losing his license for a year and consequently lost his job. He did not drive for a living, but the DUI was unprofessional conduct. His job might have been a little more difficult without a license, but not impossible. Still, pretty much ruined his life. Had he been a president/COO of an investment company here in town, he could have gotten out of it completely. I’m probably not legally allowed to name names, but the president/COO of the company I used to work for got pulled over and taken in for DUI. At the end of it, he paid like a $250 fine and walked away. I’m sure his lawyer made a pretty penny on it. It just annoys me that people like him get the breaks that people like the guy I know actually need. COO has enough money, he could hire a driver for a year. I also never understand how celebrities get caught drinking and driving or trying to buy drugs or something goofy like that. You have an ass-ton of money – hire someone. But anyway… “A hungry Negro steals a chicken, he goes to jail. A rich businessman steals bonds, he goes to Congress. I think that’s wrong.” Pretty decent movie there – The Great Debaters. In Bruges was the other decent I saw lately. Actually, it really had me right up until the last 15 minutes or so. Like so many other movies/stories, it started off really strong and just fall apart at the end. Deus ex machina abounds.

I told you my ADD was kicking in…

Nothing spectacular on the entertainment side of things… The Mist was a good Stephen King flick. Charlie Wilson’s War was excellent as was Lars and the Real Girl. Good number of 4-star ratings in the last month or two, but nothing higher. Juno was worth watching. The Orphanage was good but a little long and there was subtitle reading involved. Can’t really do suspense/horror movie where I have to read subtitles… ruins it a little. I guess I never realized the number of movies I’ve seen staring Philip Seymour Hoffman until I just now looked 😀 He was in Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, which I enjoyed. I just clicked over to IMDB and found all the other movies he’s been in and I didn’t realize it. I knew he was in Capote… duh… but some of the others surprised me.

Hmmm… yeah… going to end this one abruptly today. Stay tuned for home improvement pictures. I have about a billion of those here somewhere.