I Lied

Someone asked me the other day if I was going to buy Rock Band 2 when it came out later this year… I said “No, I don’t think so”  Rock Band just came out… why pay $170 for slightly improved instruments and some new songs.  Well… I may have lied.  If the instruments from the first are compatible with the second (and they are supposed to be), I’ll probably spring $60 for the new game only (or maybe slightly more if they have a game/guitar combo)  Why did I lie?  Well I hadn’t seen the rumored set-list yet.  Screaming out Silversun Pickups’ Lazy Eye would almost be worth the price of admission.  Harmonix gets tons of bonus points for making all the original tracks and your previously downloaded content playable on the new version.  Here’s an interesting inside look at how Harmonix goes about creating the tracks.

I just picked up The Orange Box from Amazon.com for $32.  I’ve heard bad things about the frame rate (EA did the port to the PS3, not Valve) but 5 games for $32… I decided to try it out for myself.  I’ll let you know.

The Website is Down = hilarious.  At least for the techs out there.

I forget what else I was going to write… something about set-back thermostats and how I knew the ‘tech’ was wrong with his statement of “You should only have it change a few degrees”  I did poking around the interwebs and found a 6-9 degree swing is perfectly acceptable.  Some people argue that your heater or AC has to work too hard to make up for the difference and it would take less energy to maintain a steady temp through the day (when no one is home)  I didn’t think that sounded right so I looked into it.

I still think I started this post intending to write about something completely different… huh… getting old, losing my mind.  So I’ll leave you with this (remember Show Biz Pizza?!)


Crazy Woman Driver

I’ve been riding my motorcycle to work as much as I can lately – with gas over $4/gallon, every little bit helps.  I have a slightly amusing story about my commute this morning:

The interstate is under heavy construction, and I don’t like taking it when I’m on the bike anyway, so I take surface streets into work.  It’s not too bad, there’s a handful of lights and it’s multi-lane roads almost all the way.  I’m not a crazy-aggressive  rider, but maybe a little ‘spirited’.  I won’t split lanes (at speed at least) but I don’t wait for a ton of room between cars to move.  I tend to accelerate quickly away from stop signs and lights – not WOT or poppin wheelies or anything… I just like my space, and want to get away from other traffic when possible.  So this morning, coming up to one of the few lights, there’s a car in the right lane that changes to the left lane for no apparent reason, causing the van that was in the left lane to change to the right – presumably so no one was in front of him at the light.  Unless you’re planning on actually accelerating away from the light faster than normal, please don’t change lanes just to be first in line.  I stayed in the right lane with the van in front of me.
We leave the light, the car in the left lane was moving every-so-slightly quicker than the van, so I changed lanes.  As soon as I appeared behind her, she started waving her hands in the mirror and giving me a ‘get back’ arm/thumb waving something-or-other.  Here’s a tip people: a bike like mine can stop in about a tenth the distance it’ll take you to stop.  And I’m usually in one side of the lane or the other, so I’m not going to hit you, don’t wave me back.  Even if by some odd chance I did hit you, I’ll barely leave a scratch in your bumper.  Go about your day, drive like you normally do.  If possible, please let me around you – you’re making me way more nervous than I could possibly be making you.  I was close to her, I’ll admit that, but at this point I’m boxed in and am hoping she’ll catch the hint to speed up just a hair so I can get out from beside the van next to me.  As soon as there was room, I changed lanes and accelerated past her.  Again, my bike is 1/4 the length of your car – what looks close to you isn’t that close at all.  And as soon as I was in front of the van, within a second I was 100 feet in front of him.  They’re both still getting up to the speed limit, I’m already 10 over it.  (Yes, I was speeding… trust me, if you’re not doing 55-60 on this stretch of road people are flying past you)  There are places in the world where lane-splitting is perfectly legal because people understand the concept of motorcycles getting up to speed faster than other vehicles.
I look in my mirror and see crazy arm-waving lady’s car only has one headlight and it’s really bright.  Probably aimed incorrectly.  I also notice she seems to have pulled away from the van by a good amount.  I continue my ride, picking my way through the relatively light traffic and catching mostly green lights.  When I get into downtown, I notice she’s come into view again.  I’m in the left lane, she’s in the right.  She almost rear ends the pickup truck in front of her.  I glance over and I think she’s giving me the finger.  I say think, because it’s like she’s trying to be sneaky about it and hoping I don’t actually see it.  She probably insults people under her breath as they walk away too.  As long as you feel better lady.  Going around the corner, I end up behind her, and she brake checks me!  What kind of d-bag brake-checks a bike!?  Seriously lady, pull that crap with a stereotypical biker and you’re getting a window kicked in or your mirror taken off.  So I get over in the lane next to her to give her a “What’s your problem?!” look and she’s giving me the finger again!  She’s caught at a light, so I actually stop next to her and yell “What the fuck is your problem?!” (so much for the look, I’m pissed now)  She rolls down her window and turns into a raving loon, “You’re one of those guys that’s going to get himself creamed and make whoever hit him feel bad!  Zipping up behind people and cutting in front of them!”
I was dumbstruck.
The best I could up with at the time was “Lady, I’ve been riding for 15 years, I know what I’m doing”  She continued ranting about something … I shook my head and rode on.

The more I thought about it, the more it just all seemed absurd.  First of all, I was never in a bad or dangerous position.  When I was behind her, I had plenty of room to stop if she had to.  When I pulled in front of the van, I was in a less-than-optimal position for about a second until I got some space.  I had my outs, I saw all the potential threats in front of us, I knew where everyone was and where I was in relation.  If I startled the van driver, I apologize, but by the time he might have even moved his foot to the brake, I was 5 car-lengths in front of him.  Trust me, I don’t like cars/trucks/vans anywhere close to my rear tire.
So given that, which is worse?  The fact that I may have startled the van driver?  Or the fact that this lady did at least 75 (in a 45-40-35) and cut off who knows how many people to catch up to me.  And when she did, she almost caused two accidents right there.  And her comments… if I ever hit someone that was doing something stupid, I wouldn’t feel bad at all.  “You’re going to be one of those guys…”  Really?  After 15 years, I have never been “… one of those guys…” — never even close, usually the exact opposite.  You’ll probably never see me riding without a helmet and jacket, popping wheels, stoppies, or doing 130mph down the interstate.
So lady in the gold Saturn-looking car with the one misaligned headlight – you’re going to be ‘one of those ladies’ with your arm waving and ranting, you’re going to hit someone because you’re too busy telling someone else how to drive.  Worry about yourself.  And if you’re going to throw someone the finger, throw it.  Don’t try to insult them under your breath to make yourself feel better.  And find some help – you have anger issues.  I’m an angry driver sometimes, and I yell at people… I have never in my life chased them down to do so.

And fix your headlight – that’s a hazard.

Topiary – for reals, yo

I actually used the word ‘topiary’ in proper context yesterday. I was proud of that. And don’t anyone laugh, but I actually have flowers planted in my flower beds now. I got tired of just looking at dirt. If it doesn’t work out (and I don’t have high hopes) I’m out like $30. I actually have “before and after” pictures of one bed that I’ll post one of these days.

So a lot of yard work has been done. I actually had to mow my own yard for the first time in a year or so this weekend. It was a lot more work than I remember. Now granted, the yard was soggy and crappy so it was more difficult than normal… but still. It’s a POS mower that you can’t adjust the push bar on so you have to mow hunched-over the entire time. It only spits the grass out the side so I end up with long rows of cut grass in piles when I’m done. Soooo… I think I’m picking one of these up. I always made fun of people with self-propelled mowers – I apologize for that now. I’m not just getting it because I’m lazy, I’m getting it because the self-propelled one are supposed to last longer. Hopefully this thing can do a better job of mulching the grass too. We’ll see.

This is going to be an expensive year – have too many thing I need/want to buy for the house. I really only have one ‘toy’ on the horizon, and that’s just a new motorcycle helmet. Not much of a toy I guess, but more of an expensive toy accessory.

So other random things – my list of links at the right side of the page now has a ‘Movies’ subcategory when you can actually see the movies I’ve rented via Blockbuster and what’s still in my queue if you’re really that curious. They seem to be broken at the moment… I think Bloglines is screwed up. So here’s My Queue and My Rental History

Other random stuff: Driving to work today I saw a lady stop at a stoplight, open her door, and spit out a mouthful of water and toothpaste. I’m assuming it was toothpaste because it sorta looked like that and she had a toothbrush in her hand. How odd. I wonder what she would have done if she had gotten all green lights on her way to where ever she was going.
Another random funny: Earlier today I ran to the bank to get some cash. On my way out, I happened upon two young ladies with a stroller firmer lodged in the revolving door. I’m not sure how they got it wedged in there in the first place, but it was half-in, half-out, and the door wouldn’t move in either direction. As I got closer, I saw a passerby yank the door hard enough from the outside to actually break it…. I think. the doors can “fold in” on the hub. I’ve seen them do it before, but I’m not entirely sure the purpose – maybe it’s for just such an occasion. I’ve seen them intentionally do it before during fire drills and whatnot. Picture the revolving door turned into two open doors separated by the ‘flaps’ pushed into the middle … so from the top it looks like ( | ) instead of (+) Anyway, back to the story… they’re getting the stoller out as I get closer to the door, so I angle for the normal door next to the revolving door (the one with the big sign on it that says ‘Please Use Revolving Door’) and as I get to it one of the young ladies looks at the door and back to be and says “Excuse me, do you know how we can get this door open? We’re trying to get the stroller through here.” She didn’t really need to say anything, I was heading out the door anyway… I looked at her, looked back at the door, turned the handle and opened it. In her defense, the door only has a handle on the inside (they really want you to use the revolving door) but it’s not like it’s hidden or anything, it just only opens from the inside. So that was my laugh today.

I think GTA IV is working better.  They released some patch for it already and I haven’t had any more problems.  Fun game, go buy it (yes, I own stock in TakeTwo)

Nothing else too exciting at the moment.


Ok, so Grand Theft Auto 4 appears to be an awesome game. However, I shouldn’t be the one you ask right now. I played for a few hours the day I got it, the game ended up freezing as I was just walking along so I shut it down. Today I decide to play for awhile more – got through a few more ‘dates’ and quit/saved. Went to start it up awhile ago and it hung on “Loading – First Date” Ummm… ok… let’s ask Google. Found the suggesting to delete saved games and game data… did all that. So basically started all over. It’s worse now. I can drop my cousin off at his place and start in the apartment… I haven’t been able to do more than that. It’s frozen probably 4 times in the last hour at least. Grrrr. Doesn’t matter if I’m walking or driving or what. I’m annoyed.

Guess I’m back to War Hawk or Rock Band until they fix this. Speaking of Rock Band, Zero showed up on the store today. There goes another $1.99 …. Rock.

UPDATE:  Seems the trick is to disable the internet connection on the PS3 – then GTA plays just fine.  Kinda puts a crimp in the multiplayer part of the game.
Remember when game devs didn’t have the luxury of built in hards and internet connected consoles?  They actually had to get the game right the first time.  Now it’s “get it out now, patch it later”

What a Great Day!

The day started off pretty good, it’s 60 degrees and sunny (supposed to hit 75), I get to hang out with Magellan tonight, it’s payday, and our director just said “It’s awful nice out today …. don’t come back from lunch if you don’t have anything pressing going on.”   Awesome.

The grain it takes to fill an SUV tank with ethanol could feed a person for a year.

The title really has nothing to do with the contents… just something to consider:  alternative fuels usually have alternative consequences.

What a week… busy, hectic, jam-packed with all sorts of stuff. Work was busy, had something going on every night through the week, sometimes work even spilled over into and screwed personal stuff up a little. Even put in a few hours on Sunday. Not bad though… as long as it only happens once every six months or so, I’m good 😀 I did discover that I can virtualize a system with ~ 15GB drive in about 30 minutes. On the downside, the weekend blew – 30 degrees and rainy. Was anxious to try out my new toy but the weather wasn’t going to let that happen.  I did watch a few movies / play some games though… and I haven’t done that in awhile.  Unfortunately, nothing really stood out.

Gone Baby Gone – I’ll give Ben some credit for his first time directing he did pretty good.  Casey wasn’t too shabby in the lead here either.  It was a good story – when you thought you knew what was going on, it changed.  One of those movies that seems to have 3 or 4 endings.  Not bad, but not great.  Actually haven’t seen a good movie in a long time.  I had high hopes for No Country for Old Men but was sorely disappointed.  I’ve been catching up on all the Harry Potter movies since they all just came out on Blu Ray.  I knew I’d never really get into the books, so I thought I’d at least watch the movies and see what all the hullabaloo was about.  They’re ok I guess… entertaining at least, but I never would have actually read through all the books.  In the past couple of months, the only movies in my rental history that have made it past 3.5 stars (out of 5) have been Run Lola, Run and The Kingdom.  They both squeaked out a 4 for either being different or for lots of explosions.

In more disappointing news, Assassins Creed wasn’t nearly as cool as I was hoping.  The game play was innovative, the story seemed to be decent, and the controls were tight.  The whole thing just got repetitive really fast though.  And slow.  Entirely too much talking in the game, and you can’t skip it.  And what’s with the walking around in the future so much.  I have to walk (you can’t even run) to my ‘bedroom’ to make the storyline continue?!  Meh.  The missions are decent, there’s just not enough variety – save a citizen, pickpocket (which is impossible), climb up all the lookouts, and sit on a bench and eavesdrop.  Everyone once in awhile run and hide from the guards.  I just thought it was supposed to be this epic game… but I was bored with it inside 3 hours.

Oh well… that’s it for now.

My $26 Car Wash

I went to the Cascade Car Wash a few days ago.  My car was still covered in road salt and other Wintery goodness.  It’s a nice little wash – only two automatic bays, a little more expensive than other ones in the area, but it always seems to do a really nice job.  One bat was occupied so I pulled right into the other, put my $9 in the machine, and pulled in.  The under-carriage wash part didn’t actually spray anything so I just figured maybe I pushed the wrong button.  The “hot soap presoak” was dumped all over my car… then nothing.  The machine kept going back and forth and saying “… now rinsing with HIGH PRESSURE fresh water”  (I think the all caps is really supposed to impress the fact that it’s REALLY HIGH) but no water actually came out.  The spot-free rinse portion of the wash actually worked, but that doesn’t really rinse soap away very well.  Not to be discouraged, I pulled around to the other bay when I was finished.  I assume that the car that was in there before me didn’t have any problems, so maybe just the one side was broken.  There were a couple orange cones by the building so I stopped before I pulled in and blocked the bay I just went through.
Alas, the other side had the same problem.  So now I was out $18 and still had to go rinse my car off someplace.  I circled the building once more and blocked off that bay as well.  I’m really not sure why no one else did that.  I mean, the cones are right there… why wouldn’t you put them up so someone else doesn’t get screwed like you did?  I just don’t understand people … really, 30 seconds of your life to save countless other people the same inconvenient fate as you and you can’t be bothered to do it?!  The car wash as a commentary of the amount of selfish assholes in the world.
They had one of those signs on the back of the building “If you like us, tell a friend!  If you have problems, tell us!” wiith their phone number.  So I called, not expecting much.  Of course I got an answering machine.  I left my sad story, my phone number, and the fact that I blocked off both bays (with an apology if that wasn’t the right thing to do in their mind)  I headed off to the Bubble Brush Car Wash across town to see if I had better luck there… I didn’t have much of a choice, I at least had to go rinse my car someplace.
I’ve been avoiding this one ever since their automatic wash ripped me off and I couldn’t get so much as a return phone call from them.  I called 2 or 3 times and never got anywhere with it.  Yes, sometimes I hold a grudge over silly things… but this is one of those where them not calling me back just annoyed me.  I won’t go back and I badmouth them every chance I get (that’s the Bubble Brush Car Wash 322 Union Blvd … heh.)  They could have even just called and said “Sorry, but we don’t give refunds” and that I almost could have accepted.  Their wash does a crappy job anyway, and Cascade is a lot more convenient.
Imagine my surprise when I got a call the next day from Cascade.  He apologized a couple of times and even thanked me for blocking off the bays.  He said he had been on the phone for over 30 minutes calling all the people that had been ripped off, and mine was the last name on the list.  So at least I stopped the barrage of angry customers.  He gave me 3 car washes for my troubles.  I probably would have rather gotten my $18 back instead… but a free wash I guess is ok.  I mean, I did at least get soap twice … so my car is really clean now :D  I was just happy I got a call back and the guy was truly worried about his customers.  So thumbs up Cascade car wash guys 😀 …. I’m such a dork.

Let’s see…. what else is new?  Job is going really well.  I still call it my ‘new’ job even though it isn’t all that new.  I can’t believe I’ve been there 5 months already.  I guess it just still seems new to me – I’m still learning new things and meeting new people every day.  I just really can’t believe how well this has all worked out for me.  I still sometimes just walk into our data center and look around and just think “This is cool”  I still compare it a lot of times to my old job.  I think I do that a lot so people maybe have a better understanding of why I’m almost giddy about the whole thing.  Hell, at my old job I couldn’t get a UPS approved for a single server and here I have a whole freakin’ APC InfraStruXure setup.  I put the finishing touches on a new VMWare ESX server yesterday that will eventually host more servers than the entire server room I used to be responsible for.  And we do things that make sense – there’s been probably a dozen occasion where I see something we do and I think “Huh, I tried to implement that at my old job and it always got shot down”  It just makes you feel good when after a couple of years of feeling beat down and like you didn’t know what you were doing, you finally feel appreciated.  So yeah… everything from actually being trusted to use my brain, being in the size of environment that I want to be in, learning something new all the time, the laid-back (most of the time) atmosphere.  I think I even get along socially with a greater percentage of people here.  Nothing against anyone I worked with before… it just wasn’t an environment conducive to any real social interaction.  Hell, I’ve been to my director’s house to play cards – in 10 years at the other place I don’t think I ever saw the inside of a “higher-up’s” house.  I’m actually considering getting back into some self-learning stuff again.  Might continue with my Cisco certifications… makes it worthwhile when you can actually use it and you’re recognized for trying to better yourself and your skills.
Ok, I’ll shut up now… it just honestly hasn’t worn off yet :D  It’s just nice to enjoy my job again… I highly recommend it.  Probably too much sometimes – but it’s hard to not share or hide it when you’re having a good time.  I make no apologizes if my happiness offends you.  I’m not trying to boast or anything… pretty much everything I put on here is for my own benefit.  Sometimes I’ll go back through this “Secret Public Journal” of mine to remind myself of where I’m going and where I’ve been.  If nothing else, it’s been an interesting trip so far.

If you’re going to volunteer to be on tv…

… at least get close to proper English.  I’m far from being an English major.  My writing style is proof of that – can’t spell to save my life, misuse commas all the time, and make liberal use of “-” and “…” to cover up my inability to form correct sentences.  (Not a word from ‘the’ grammar Nazi please)  But here are some things I do know:

  • The truck did not spin out into the ‘medium’ – it’s called a ‘median’
  • Don’t use the word “irregardless” – just say “without no regard” and be proud of your double-negative heritage instead of trying to sound smart.
  • Don’t use the word ‘moot’ (and it’s moot not mute) – you don’t actually understand the meaning of the word
  • Stop trying to speak text – the next person that says “Loll” to my face may get hit.  The only exception to this rule is “Berb”

On the subject of texting… if you’re walking into lampposts, just throw your phone in the river.  If you’re not, but you still abbreviate everything… throw it in the river.  Seriously… there should be a “three letter rule” – if you’re not saving at least three letters per word, don’t do it.  “y r u procrastin8ing 2” is not acceptable (acceptable, not exceptable) it takes a normal person more time to translate what you’re saying in their head than you save.

And now that I’ve opened a can of stupid… for the love of all that is holy learn the difference in these:

  • where vs wear
  • its vs it’s
  • there vs they’re vs their

Ok I’m done … my brain hurts just thinking about all the stupid.  Just remember:  half the world population has below average intelligence.

Blockbuster + Blu-ray = Crap

Does Blockbuster still do the “In stock or it’s free” thing at their stores?  I’ve been a Blockbuster Online member pretty much since they started the service.  I went through the growing pains with them.  It was actually fun sometimes to see what distribution center my movie was going to be returned to – it changed with almost every movie it seemed.  Then they became a little more popular and movies weren’t as readily available… that was ok though, because I still got the in-store coupons.

But now I’m getting frustrated.

First they keep jacking up the price.  Usually not by a lot, but I think when I started it was like $12/month now it’s $20.  I guess I can’t really complain … I can still exchange movies in the store as often as I’d like and I get two coupons every month for a free movie or game rental.  All the new customers don’t get them at all I think.  But the trigger for this outburst is their Blu-ray support.  I was excited when they announced they were going to be exclusively Blu-ray.  Besides helping to end the format war, I hoped this meant they would have better stock.  Nope.  The top 15 movies in my queue are all Blu-ray and every single one is “Long Wait” or “Very Long Wait” … I might go complain.  They’ll just send me an extra coupon for this month (which I hardly use the two I get anyway)  They do seem to listen to their customers though.  A few weeks ago I sent a suggestion to let me choose a default format (as it is now you have to click on the movie, then click on all editions, then find the blu-ray version if it exists) they wrote back and said “Great idea!”  I just noticed it in the FAQ section that it will be a feature ‘soon’ … guess I wasn’t the only one!

So yeah … all that just to complain and show my impatience 😀