Playing the Blame Game

I’m assuming that at least two out of the three people that read this website know that I’m slightly into video games. Just a little. For the third… well… there’s actually a category here called “Games” and I talk about them a lot – try to keep up. As for the rest of you, I’ll just assume you stumbled onto this site by googling ‘balki’ or ‘broken leg’ (seriously, those are my top two search results referring people to this site)

I do have a point here, I’m just high on gun powder. (No really, I was at the gun range tonight) Finally! Someone gets it. Ok, so the end of the article strays a little from video games and goes onto blaming McDonalds for your kid being fat but the gist of it is pretty dead on. Jack Thompson is a media whore and video games are not destroying our children. If your child does something stupid, asinine, destructive, disrespectful, and/or illegal – take a good hard look in the mirror before you start looking for something to blame. I played more than my fair share of Doom, Duke Nukem, and Quake in my younger days – I never once thought about shooting up my school.

Not-so-funnily enough, while Thompson’s misinfomation-laced pronouncements claim that the shooter — Seung-Hui Cho — had a passion for violent video games, a governor-ordered review of that horrific incident found no connection whatsoever with games. Instead, what the review panel found was a young man with a long history of psychiatric illness and a student who fell through the cracks of a deeply flawed mental health system. In fact, according to the the extensive 260-page report, it’s unclear if Cho — who was passionate about books (gasp!) and not video games — ever played anything more aggressive than the kid-friendly “Sonic the Hedgehog.”

When did everyone stop taking responsibility for themselves (or their children) and start looking for crap to blame?!  I first starting to notice it when “D&D” was responsible for anything bad that happened.  Anyone remember that?  Maybe we should blame 9/11 on Microsoft’s Flight Simulator.

“Why did I run from the cops?  Well, I watched too much Dukes of Hazzard when I was a kid, and thought I could jump a bridge and hide my car behind a tree”  And G.I. Joe taught me that I could just do cart-wheels and no bullets would touch me.”

Taxes Are Stupid

Ok, where’s the flat-tax idea again?  So doing my taxes with a Killians on the desk is probably not my best move ever, but let me just vent for a moment ….

A few years ago when I bought my house, I didn’t have 20% to put down on it.  I know, bad move on my part, but whatever.  When I was looking at financing options, I decided to not get too complex with it, do one mortgage and deal with the PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)  Now a friend of mine did one of the more convoluted “negative points” deals where he’d have a higher interest rate but wouldn’t pay any PMI.  For those of you unaware, PMI is something you pay the bank (usually about $100 / month) for no good damn reason.  It’s crap, it really is.  It’s insurance you pay for the bank in case you default on your loan.  You pay it until you have 20% equity in your house.  I guess the theory at that point is that at that point they can repo your house and at least break even by selling it.  PMI does me as the borrow no good.  Does nothing for me.  I could have gone the higher interest rate route – at least interest I could deduct from my taxes at the end of the year.  I did the math (it actually involved a rather large Excel spreadsheet) and decided that I’d be better off with the lower interest rate but paying the the PMI.  As a bonus, there were rumors of Congress actually passing a law that would allow borrowers like myself to deduct PMI as well.  This may surprise you, but it was actually the lenders that lobbied for this – they were losing money because people were creatively financing loans – negative points, 80/20 loans, etc.  So hey, if that passes, bonus for me, right?  Well it passed, but no bonus for me.  In a crock-of-shit move to beat all crock-of-shit moves, the law that got passed at the end of 2006 applies only to mortgages originating on 2007.  Yes, because I bought my house a year earlier I get no benefits from that law.  I paid the same PMI for the same reasons as everyone who bought a house in 2007, they can deduct it from their taxes, I can’t.  Horse shit, (as my father has always been found of saying) complete horse shit.  Yes mother, sorry for the language… I’m angry and “crap” just doesn’t convey exactly my level of discontent.  Blame dad.

So the other “Are-you-freakin-kidding-me?!?” moment comes when it’s time to “e-file”  (leaving the f-bomb out because I’m not that angry about this part and that would cause my mother to send me an email chastising  me for my lack of less-offensive vocabulary)   Someone explain to me why me “e-filing” should cost me money?!  I could print and mail my return to the IRS – it would cost me thirty-some cents (yes, I actually don’t know what a stamp costs these days – I don’t mail anything) and in the process kill a good sized tree, increase carbon emissions of the USPS, and cause some poor sap making too much money to enter all my information into the IRS’s big computers.  Inefficient and costly.  However, if I “e-file” then it just goes right into the IRS’s big computers saving everyone time/money and better for the environment.  But it costs me $20.  What is this $20 for?!  I already gave H&R Block $40 for the stupid program – they should send it to the IRS for me for that price.  Has the USPS lobbied against e-filing?!  The IRS should be thanking me for e-filing, I’m saving them time and less paper they have to shred.  I already have a pile of papers on my desk – various W2s, 1099INTs, 1099Bs, 1098s, etc.  Why create more waste by printing everything I’ve done electronically just to mail it in so the IRS can convert it all back to electronic??  I’m confused.  And upset by this extra $20 I have to spend.  You want my money?  At least make it easy and efficient for me to give it to you (or get back what you owe me).  Next thing you know they’ll charge you extra to direct deposit your refund into your checking account.  Jerks.  I have to give it to Ohio – they actually have their “I-File” website setup – you can fill out all the forms and submit your tax information – get this: for free.  Yes, they will allow you to get your return faster and easier, and in exchange all you have to do is save them time and money by entering your information on a website.  Brilliant.  Oh, but H&R Block want another $20 to e-file your Ohio state return for you.  How about this:  The state tax departments and the IRS get together with the TurboTax and H&R Block people of the world and say “Hey, let your customers e-file for free, and we’ll go ahead and give you the $20 it’ll cost us to process it”  Win/win.  Am I asking too much?

Ok… I feel better.  Maybe later this week I’ll actually get back to some of the other stuff I normally do… I haven’t done a movie or game review in awhile.  And Eastern Promises was actually a pretty good movie.  Pirates : At World’s End wasn’t.  More on that, and maybe my newfound Wii.  I’m tired of the election crap already… and the writer’s strike.  Let’s just elect the writer’s guild for president and call it a day.  Man… I really should just have my own country – I’m a problem solver.

More Improvements

So the insulation project continues to pay off – used 98 CCFs this past month compared to 112 last year. A 13% drop is pretty good (actually dropped my bill by closer to 19% over last year) but what makes it more impressive is that this last month was actually a lot colder than last year. The average temp was year was 40 degress, it was 35 degrees this year. So there was actually a 22% increase in “degree heating days. So my bill really should have been 20-25% higher than last year.

Been doing some indoor projects the last couple of weeks (of course, with Bert’s help because I don’t eally know what I’m doing)
Old disposalNew disposal

Not sure who hacked that original garbage disposal in there, but they should be punched in the face (there’s a lot of that with this house) Most of the mounting bracket was held in with some kind of putty. The drain tube wasn’t really on right either, so that white bucket you see in the background actually served a purpose – it caught some of the leaking. That is of course when it was actually under the pipe – I think it sometimes got shoved towards the back when people stuffed more crap under the sink. It also bugged me that the electric was just kind of hanging out the bottom. The new one is wired better, plumbing is a lot more solid, and the thing is so quiet you almost can’t hear it. Now keep in mind, I went to Home Depot to pick up a new baffle for the old one (the plastic part you can see when you look into the drain) because the old one was missing a few of it’s sections and stuff would spit up from the disposal. It also allowed things like spoons to fall into the drain/disposal. I was pretty good at making sure foreign objects didn’t enter the disposal, but one or more of my roommates didn’t have the same diligence. To replace the baffle on that old one though, you had to actually remove the disposal… and it wasn’t one of those nifty twist ‘n drop connectors. So instead of $10, I spent $200. 😀 This turns into a theme… hang on…

Old openerNew opener

Next project – garage door opener. I actually went to the store to find another motion sensor light adapter doo-dad. The light in the old opener never has worked, so I put in one of those indoor light socket motion sensor things so the light in the garage would turn on when someone would enter the garage or open the door. It just stopped working for no apparent reason. Went to Lowe’s and couldn’t actually find one. I don’t know if they don’t make them anymore or what. But they were having a sale on openers, I had a gift card from Christmas, and I had a 10% off coupon 🙂 I ended up buying a whole new setup. The control panel actually has a motion detector built into it… so I still got my motion detector, I just paid about 6 times more than I should have for it. Oh well… this actually works out well – the door is a lot faster and quieter (belt driven) … I think the old one was about to die anyway. Also forced me to do something I’ve been wanting to do since I moved in there – put an electrical outlet in the ceiling for the opener and my shop light. The old opener actually had a really long power cord, stapled across the ceiling and down a wall to an outlet :S It didn’t have the child safety sensors at the door either… so I think legally I shouldn’t have been able to buy this house with it installed.

Speaking of safety – replaced the outlets in the kitchen with GFCI outlets.  I do enough dangerous stuff, I didn’t want to be killed doing the dishes.

Before I go, quick plug for Karen’s latest project — not sure where she’s going with this, but what the heck, I’ll help 😀


This is what a $1,000 repair bill look like:

Oil cap

Yeah… milky “stuff” on the bottom of your oil cap is bad.  Means coolant is in the oil.  Bad.  As I suspected, the culprit is the low intake manifold gasket.  It’s a well know screw up on GM’s part.  Too bad there isn’t a class action against them in the US.  Not that I’d get much back… but still.  I hate to say this – but I will probably not buy another American made car.  That’s all I’ve ever had, and I have yet to have one last me much past 100k miles.  I still think the unions completely screwed up the automobile industry around here, but that’s a rant for another day.  Look up the cost per car that American companies pay just for benefits for their employees.  I’m not saying paying for benefits for your employees is a bad thing… but when you pay like $3,000 for every car that comes off the line compared to < $1,000 that other companies pay… I don’t see how you can compete without cutting corners.

Ok… off to Home Depot… have a couple little projects to do today…


“Your home used less energy than most of the similar homes in your area.” (…and you thought this was going to be about Balki and Mae … phht!)

I guess the ‘average home’ in my area used $207 in gas last month. That seems high, but let’s compare to last year:

2006 = 3.52 CCF/Therms / day
2007 = 2.17 CCF/Therms / day

So if my math is right, that’s about a 38% drop. It’s almost exactly a full gas bill too with the new & improved insulated attic – it’s off 1 day one way or the other. Didn’t quite translate to a 38% savings on my gas bill because gas was a smidge higher.

gas use chart

Now I know you’re thinking “…but how was the weater?” Glad you asked. This November was actually a hair colder than last years. The ‘cooling degree days’ line on the graph shows that. Last November had 732 degree cooling days, this November had 789. The technical goes as such:

  • “Degree Day” is calculated as the difference between the average daily temperature and a basis temperature of 65°F.
  • Example: A winter day with an average temperature of 30°F has 35 heating degree days (and no cooling degree days); while a summer day with an average daily temperature of 85°F has 20 cooling degree days (and no heating degree days).

    Should be interesting to see how we do in the rougher parts of the Winter.  Should only take about a year to pay back what I put in, and I’m saving the environment… or something.


  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy turkey day everyone!

    I was going to just write about my insulation project from last weekend, but then I found some pictures on my camera that I hadn’t uploaded yet. So first, here’s the garage floor project from June. The first is the ‘before’ picture, which I actually took after we had cleaned the floor. I used the Rust-Oleum garage floor kit that I picked up at HomeDepot for about $70. Speaking of HomeDepot — what is their obsession with the uScan lanes?! I went on a Sunday afternoon to pick up the kit, and there were no normal lanes open. Those DIY lanes are great in a grocery store, but try running a 2×4 or some other over-sized item across the stupid scanner. If that’s not frustrating enough, now figure out how to put it in the bag so the stupid computer stops telling you to “…please place the item in the bag.” But anyway…. to the garage. It turned out really well – I don’t think my garage floor had ever been sealed (actually, the epoxy probably won’t take very well on a sealed floor) so the concrete had actually started flaking in some spots. I spent almost 2 days cleaning the floor first – a degreaser to get rid of the bad oil sports, then the cleaner that came with the kit. I’m not sure the floor had ever been cleaned either. Probably should have done this when I first moved in – I sure have accumulated a lot of junk in the garage.
    Quick tip for you – get one of those telescoping, metal broom handles and a scrub brush. The handle will actually come in handy for rolling the floor too. While we’re on tips – have at least one extra roller on hand. I got a little over zealous and broke the plastic handle off one, and had to run to the hardware store in the middle of the project to pick up another one. Makes it a little stressful because you have to apply the epoxy pretty quick after mixing it. So, spare parts and an extra set of hands comes in very handy. I didn’t use the ‘decorative flakes’ that came with the kit, but I did buy some of the mix-in ‘anti-slip’ stuff too. It’s basically just sand but it sure does help when the floor gets wet. I think it turned out well – click on the thumbnails for full versions.

    GarageBefore GarageAfter

    I don’t think I took any pictures of the gutters I put up. A big thanks to Bert for helping out with that one. I really just wanted leaf guards on my existing gutters, but the snap-in ones you can pick up at the hardware store just suck. I got a few quotes to have someone come and replace the gutters and put the nice guards on, and they all came in at like $3,000. I figured “They’re gutters… how hard can it be?” It turned out to be a little more complicated than that, but lucky for me Bert used to do stuff like that years ago so he had the know-how and tools. After measuring things a couple dozen times, we had a local building supply place come by and run-off the required lengths of gutter (so they’re seamless) and Bert, Bobo, and I spent a couple of days hanging them. They look great, work perfectly, and ended up costing me less than $800. No more cleaning the leaves out a couple times a week for me.

    On to my most recent project – insulating the attic. Last Winter, I had a couple of months where my gas bill was horrific. I investigated the attic and discovered it had very little insulation – some spots were completely bare, and the highest point might have had 3 inches. It turns out I’m supposed to have about 15 inches of the blown-in type for my area. So again I thought “… how hard could it be?”
    I asked around a little, and the only person I knew that had experience with it just said that Lowe’s would rent the machine for free if I bought at least 25 bags, so even if I didn’t need 25, but 25 and return what I didn’t use. Ok, my house isn’t that big, I figured 20-30 of these bags would be enough. A few hours, a few hundred bucks… no problem. Well imagine my surprise when I got to Lowe’s and started looking at their coverage chart. Turns out I was going to need 100 bags! I ended up using 90, but still, each bag is about 22lbs – so I literally put a ton of insulation in my attic. Lots of insulation First order of business was to clear out the pile of trash in the attic. Seriously, who hangs onto this junk? There were old closet doors, a waterbed frame, old rolls of wallpaper, scraps of floors, and even a couple good-sized rolls of carpet. Some of the carpet was actually unrolled and placed over the rafters of the house. My only guess if that they were trying to use it as insulation. Getting it out of there was a little tricky – it was so old and baked it just cracked when I tried to fold it up. Talk about a mess.

    So after 6 hours in the the attic, $700, 4 trips to Lowe’s, and 4 heavily used respirator my “couple hours and couple hundred bucks” project was finished. And boy was I sore the next day. Stepping from joist to joist, walking hunched-over/squatted down, hose and flashlight in one hand using the other keep from falling through the ceiling, and the whole time barely being able to see or breath with all the crap flying around… I am glad it’s done, and it’s not something I want to do again any time soon. I missed ‘green week’ by a few weeks, but the insulation is made from 85% recycled material and I should be using less energy this Winter. Anyway, here’s a couple before and after shots – the pictures where there’s no insulation at all in the ‘before’ are actually of the area over the garage. I went ahead and filled that in too… just because it seemed like a good idea. Oh, and the stuff that looks like snow in all the pictures is actually just the dust that stuff generated.


    Drinking From a Firehose

    Two weeks into the new job, and the spinning my head was doing is finally starting to slow.  It’s a lot to take in, but I think I’m doing pretty good.  Part of the reason I was sad to leave my old position was because of all the new ‘toys’ we had just ordered, and some of the things we had put in place.  That suddenly doesn’t bother me at all because all of that stuff (and then some) already exist at this new place.  It does suck that all the work I had put into researching, spec’ing, and ‘selling’ the project was for nothing… but c’est la vie.

    I’m glad that my skills seem to be scaling well – for a company that has maybe 5 times as many employees, the network infrastructure is 10 times the size of where I came from.  The only technology they employ that I haven’t had in a production environment before is VOIP – and I’m at least pretty familiar with that.  So most of the learning right now is just how things are done and getting a grip on the layout.  I’ve actually been able to fix a couple of things that they had given up on fixing — the guys I work with seem pretty sharp, so I’m sure they would have eventually gotten it they just didn’t really have time.  I’m really thankful that I have a job that I enjoy again.  It’s stressful, but in a good way.  The stress comes from trying to get up to speed and be useful at the same time.  The director told me he didn’t expect me to really be productive for a month, but for my own sense of self-worth I give myself higher expectations than that.  Before, the stress was created by a number of things: not knowing if I’d have a job (before they actually told us we wouldn’t); wondering what dumb-ass decision they’d make next; not being able to stand a few of the people I had to work with; and being expected to adequately perform my job within the constraints that were placed on me.  Good example of that last one – I showed one of the guys I work with a set of network management tools I had played around with before that I thought would be useful.  Someone else saw it and said “It’s $1,000?  Just buy it.” That’s a 180 from where I came from.  I couldn’t get $50 without pulling teeth, even if I could show that it would pay for itself 10 times over.  It’s odd to actually have diagnostic, troubleshooting, and monitoring tools at my disposal now.

    Speaking of 180s – the culture here is just fun.  Granted, I came from a financial services company and this one is a little different… but I think any company can and should be a ‘fun’ place to work.  No one walks past the offices at 8:00 and 5:00 to see who’s there and who isn’t (and yes, that routinely happened at the old place).  Hell, the first few days I walked in at 8:00 the place was almost empty.  You’ll see people wearing jeans and t-shirts… I have yet to see a tie.  They have an internal rewards program where people give you points for doing something extraordinary that you can redeem for anything from electronics to camping gear.  Friday I thought maybe I had gotten off on the wrong floor because the door I usually go in had red carpet leading up to it and a velvet rope across it.  Nope, this was part of their Halloween party.  The lobby of my floor had been converted into a dance club complete with a disco-ball, music, and people dressed up in polyester bell-bottoms.  Then there was the whole department that had become a circus – popcorn, peanuts, midway games, (people dressed like) animals, and a freak show.  This is not your average office environment.  They even closed the office at 4:00 to have their “Monster’s Ball” at a bar down the street.  The VP of HR saw me there and said “Are you ready to bail yet?”  I said “Nope… this is completely different from what I’m used to, and I like it.”   I never did feel like I fit in at the old place.  Even after 10 years… that kind of stuffy environment where the ‘fun’ is forced and appearances are everything just never sat right with me.  The amount of BS, politics, and lip-service that went on there just drove me insane.  I’m not all optimistic here or anything… I’m sure some of that still exists, just not to an extreme.

    I guess that’s enough of that… one of these days I’ll get out of the work category and back to more fun stuff.

    That was easy…

    On Sept 20th I was told I wouldn’t have a job as of December 31st. I had a second interview with a company I had interviewed with a few weeks before on Sept 24th. On the 28th I had an offer, and on Oct 1 I told my current employer that my last day would be the 5th (they talked me into staying until the 9th) … I start my new job on the 15th.

    I guess they really didn’t expect me to find something that fast (and it wasn’t that fast – I had obviously already been looking) hence the “… can you stay until the 9th?” Not sure what they thought they’d get out of two more days, but I did make the offer. I was trying to be nice, I told them I was flexible by a few days to make it easier for them. I realize I didn’t give them two weeks notice, but they had already said I wasn’t needed, so two weeks seemed silly. I thought I was helping / saving them money. Guess it wasn’t seen that way… oh well. Never planning on going back there anyway or asking anyone of importance there for a reference – they’re pretty much the laughing stock of the business community around here right now anyway.  And since they let the 3 of us go, they let another one go and another one pretty much walked out.  And I’m sure there’ll be more – morale is at an all-time low, they’re making messed-up decisions, and it’s just not a good feeling to be there.

    It’s weird – I’m happy and sad. It’s what I would imagine a divorce would be like – you know it’s for the best, but it’s still hard to leave. I’ve been there for 10 years… it’ll be strange going 1/2 block down the street now instead. But if this is a divorce, I just picked up a genius 24 year old that could be a model. The new job seems to be a better company, better pay, better position… everything. And the timing was just perfect. I still don’t completely believe it, it seems too good to be true. I’m not sure why I’m a little bitter about the whole thing – I was looking to leave anyway. I guess there’s a little sense of failure involved – what could I have done better so they would have at least wanted to keep me instead of who they picked? I know the answer to that… I think the deciding factor was an idiotic one. And even if they had kept me, I would have left anyway – I wouldn’t stick around to deal with the maelstrom that’s going to hit that place. I think I would have just preferred to do it all on my terms.

    I’m really looking forward to this new position. I’m excited and a little nervous. I’ll miss most of the people that I’ve worked with over the last few years… and I’m actually a little concerned for them. The company is obviously heading downhill, and the driver just keeps giving it gas. I mean seriously – who in their right mind would lay off / be planning to lay off like 20% of your workforce, then turn around and hire your own daughter?! It’s just doesn’t seem right. I honestly want the company to do well because of most of the people there… I’m just afraid it won’t. However, the people that I like there are a pretty talented group that will land on their feet. The people I don’t like there are crazy morons, and I would laugh at their self-created misfortune. I just don’t think you can treat people like they have… I’m not a huge believer in karma or anything… more of a “hoper” I guess. 😀

    We’ll see. Should be a new, interesting chapter in my life. Another exciting adventure. I’m sure I’ll keep an eye on the old one and see if my gut feeling turns out to be true.

    You’ve got to be f’ing kidding…

    That was the first thought that went through my mind last Thursday morning.  After 10 years at this company I was told I would no longer be needed as of December 31st.

    I knew a few weeks ago that this day might come.  The officially announced their intention to replace all the in-house programming we’ve done for the last 20 years with an off-the-shelf product.  I thought I’d probably be ok – after all, this project was going to increase my responsibilities.  But I knew if they weren’t real bright, they’d do things a different way.

    They did things a different way.

    I really don’t think they understand what they’re doing.  They’ve left one guy in the department to basically do all the work.  I think they’re planning on bringing in contractors (it helps to have friends in the business that recognize your company’s name) but that’s not going to work out well – it’s not a vanilla environment here.  And people here are used to a quick response, they won’t do well with “We’ll be out tomorrow to fix your problem.”

    I’m trying to be nice about this.  There’s a ton that just pisses me off, but I’m not sure how much good it would do to vent it here.  Everything from how they came to the decision (and by ‘they’ I mean one person overrode the majority vote) to the sorry excuse for a severance package they’re offering.

    I should be thankful for a couple of reasons.  They could have given us no warning (we saw it coming anyway) or absolutely no severance.  And actually, if they would have kept me to do everything on my own, I probably would have left on my own anyway.

    I know I’ll be ok.  I’ve been through this before and came out ahead, I’m sure I will again.  I’ve been looking for a change for a little while anyway, this is just the kick in the butt I needed.  Out of all of us that they let go, I’m probably in the best shape (one guy they’re letting go just had his first child) — I think I’m more upset that I won’t be working with some of the people I’ve met here anymore.  There’s a bit of sadness that I think is normal.  I’ve been here almost my entire “professional” life.  You get a little attached after 10 years.  This will be good though… something new, better, exciting.  I don’t know how good it will be for this company though.  I hope it works out, mainly because of most of the people left here.  I fear that it won’t because of the incompetence of a select few.  Maybe more on that later… I think I might have to sign something saying I won’t badmouth them 😀