I’m trying to cut back on caffeine a bit. After the years of Mt Dew, tons of coffee, and now Red Bull, I’m worried that it doesn’t even affect me anymore. Today I had a Red Bull, and I’m still on my first cup of coffee. I even mixed the coffee – it’s about half decaf and half regular. I’ll probably have a Dt Coke when I get home. That’s pretty decent for me considering I usually have a Dt Coke on the way to work, then about 5 or 6 big cups though the day, Mt Dew at lunch, and a ton more Dt Coke when I get home. I’ve been doing this all week, and so far no shakes or headaches or anything too drastic. Speaking of coffee, I watched Coffee and Cigarettes a few days ago. Coffee and cigarettes used to be a couple of my favorite things. Many years ago, me and a few of my friends would go out causing trouble; we’d inevitably end up at a 24-hour restaurant. We’d sit for hours drinking pots and pots of coffee and smoking packs and pack of cigarettes. Into the wee hours of the morning, discussing all sorts of odd things… sometimes I think we’d discovered the meaning of life during one of those binges, but after all the nicotine and caffeine wore off we had forgotten everything. It seemed every night was different – some nights were filled with brain puzzles, others turned philosophical, others had me in pain from laughing so hard. So anyway… the movie sucked. It was stupid. It was an endless string of cameos. Ok, so Bill Murray and a few guys from the Wo-Tang clan – that was funny. The rest was just painful to watch. Ok, so Steve Buscemi was funny. The bit with Alfred Molina and Steve Coogan was entertaining too.
In other movie news, Shrek 2 was hilarious. There’s so many references to other movies and hidden jokes… I loved it. Stuck on You was stupid. It had a few laughs, but for the most part it was just stupid. Don’t waste your time on this one. Ring – Finally! A good creepy movie! Not scary like “boo!” or scary like blood and guts all over… this is like The Exorcist scary. Creepy = good.
Have I mentioned how much I like Blockbuster lately? The in-store coupons I get are good for games now too, and they just gave me 2 ‘bonus’ ones. Spiffy. And they’re opening 10 more ‘shipping centers’, and buying more movies. Another cool thing – when the post office scans in the movie you’re returning, Blockbuster sends out the next one – they don’t actually wait for it to get back to them. Sweet… more movies for me. I think I’m suffering from Buffet Syndrome though… I feel like I need to watch the movies and send them back as quick as possible so I can get more. Oh well… winter is here, what else am I gonna do? mmm…. Grand Theft Auto!